It will allow you to type the needed information into the form using your keyboard. This is also a fillable version of the SF-180.If your printer cannot accommodate this, select "shrink to fit" when the Adobe Acrobat Reader "Print" dialog box appears. The SF-180 is formatted for letter size paper (8.5" x 11").You need access to a printer and the Adobe Acrobat Reader software (see link below).Download and print a copy of the SF-180 in PDF format.There are several ways to obtain an SF-180. How to Obtain Standard Form 180 (SF-180) to Request Military Service Records Requesters can use the online ordering form at (or use the SF-180). That includes converting documents and images to PDF, creating PDFs from any application that prints, combining multiple documents and file types into a single PDF file, and turning webpages into interactive PDFs with live links.Order copies of WWI Draft Registration Cards online. For example, both Standard and Pro enable you to create PDFs. It’s easiest to start with how Acrobat Standard DC and Pro DC are similar because many of the most essential features are available in both versions. To see even more options, go to our roundup of the best PDF editors.

While both versions will get you the desktop software, access to Adobe Document Cloud services for storing and sharing files, and an Adobe Sign subscription to sign and collect legal electronic and digital signatures on any device, there are some differences in features and capabilities that may make one or the other better suited to your needs. Given the cost of upgrading from Adobe’s free Acrobat Reader, it’s worth familiarizing yourself with the differences between the company’s two paid products for individuals: Adobe Acrobat Standard DC Remove non-product link and Adobe Acrobat Pro DC (which cost $12.99 a month and $14.99 a month, respectively, with an annual commitment). Adobe Acrobat remains the gold standard for PDF editors-as well as the most expensive.